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How would you feel
to finally
have the tools needed
to level up your business
& create a

REAL Freebie Offer
so you can SELL OUT...

Won't you feel


when you wake up

in the morning & realize you

SOLD OUT overnight?


Is that the

"big problem"

you want to have in your BOSS life?

Laptop Typing on Bed
Do you need a step-by-step process to:
  • clarify your niche audience?
  • identify your genius zone?
  • create a Freebie Offer that converts for your product?
  • designing a FREE landing page to grow your email list?​
  • grow your list using social media?
  • ​learn how to market to your ideal customer?
...without any extra cost besides this Course?

You're in luck, Boss. Welcome to the

in 5 Days FLAT Course

In 5 days flat...
(without any extra cost)
you will learn:

People During Workshop

Day 1: Nailing Your Niche

Today is all about getting clear on all the things.
What is the purpose of your business? Who are you selling to? What does your ideal customer or client look like? What problem are you solving or addressing? What makes you unique... what's your secret sauce? 
Cheerful Pregnant Woman

Day 2: Discovering Your Offer

Niche = Nailed. Now let's work on choosing the perfect Freebie to grow your reach. Today it's about asking yourself some questions to clarify what your audience would be excited to receive in exchange for their email. Get ready for a fun brainstorming session & come away with a list of potential offers!
Working From Home

Day 3: Creating Your Freebie

Remember earlier on this page when we promised you a step-by-step process? In today's video we will walk you through creating your chosen Freebie on Canva. And we don't just give you a quick template,
we show you how to create a Freebie that converts!
Laptop and Plant

Day 4: Building Your Landing Page

It's getting real now, isn't it? On Day 4 you will receive a Video packed with information! You'll learn how to set up a free account to host your Landing Page aka FUNNEL, how to brand your Page unique to you, your product or service & use your own unique voice in the copy. Let the emails start flowin'!
Women Holding Hands

Day 5: Growing on Social's

Let's put on our big-girl pants on chat all things marketing our Freebie utilizing the power of Social Media. If you want to grow your list you need to
be intentional in doing so. You've heard it before & the same applies here.
Be consistent. Be persistent. We're going to show you all the tricks today.
Woman Holding a Mobile Phone

BONUS DAY: Nurturing Your List

I know... I know... I just totally spoiled the surprise of a BONUS DAY!
Today we help you take the list of emails you'll get from your phenomenal Freebie offer & nurture these little seedlings with genuine love utilizing
email marketing tips & tricks.

You get all this for only $27!
(no other costs to you!)

Get instant access to:


  • Exclusive video training (meet your Instructors below!)

  • Video transcript to follow along if needed

  • Accompanying Workbook to print

  • ​"Homework Pages" to keep you accountable to YOU

  • ​VIP Posting Status in the Get Sold Out! Facebook Group

  • BONUS VIDEO on Day 6 you won't want to miss!!

Meet your Instructors:


Marcy went from a "just" a mom of 7 kiddos (including twins!) to a Mindset Mentor & Lifestyle Strategist! She jumped into entrepreneurship as a “plan B” & fell in love with becoming her own boss AND being a present parent. She-EO & Creator of the BYOBoss Life Planner System, Marcy now helps countless women grow the business they love, while putting their families & themselves ABOVE!

Shauna is a Creative and passionate about helping others find their true Genius... that thing they were created for.  We all have it!  A wife, mom and Business Strategist, she leans in to help product bosses and creatives to a life well lived. She is the Owner & Founder of both Sozo Essentials and The Legacy Boss. Shauna has been helping owners build successful business for the last 20 years.

YES! Sign me up already!
*I commit to dedicating 30 min - 1 hour each day so I can
go from Freebie to Funnel in 5 days FLAT!

Drop your info here, mama!

Thanks for submitting!

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© 2021 MarcyK, MomBOSS | Site by VCA

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