Pretty sure you can't call yourself an entrepreneur if you haven't grabbed onto a shiny object at some point and let the syndrome take you away.... and not like Calgon (omgeee I just totally aged myself). But have no fear BOSSes! Here's how to take that shiny object syndrome & make it successful for you and your business.
Truly it's just a simply mindset hack. A way of looking at your life's path and choosing to treat that new shiny thing a little bit differently, a keep it's luster shining bright.
'Cause you have to admit. The shiniest of objects can magically lose their luster once you get a little closer. It should be called 'click bait syndrome' but whatever. WHAT. EV. ER.
A is for attitude and it's everything once you find yourself hook, line & neck-deep into that new course... or new book... or yet another work from home opp.... when the others never seemed to do the trick.
Here's the K for kicker: it's up to YOU and the attitude you approach your shiny new toy that will either allow it's glow to keep on glowing... or it will rust faster than you can say "whatever."
It's time to dust off that old line of "It's not you, it's me." and realize it's just that! It's how you are approaching your latest object of affection and truly embracing it with love. YOU and you alone have to declare that you are going to make it work for you in whatever that capacity might look like.
Once your attitude & therefor mindset is solid on the positivity path, you can then allow the new trainings or new thought patterns or new approach to do it's magic for you and the path that you are on.
So there you have it! Not too complicated right? And before I hear you say "But that's just too easy, it will never work!" check yourself before you wreck yourself, girlfriend.
It's up to YOU to make it work.
NOT a shiny object but it IS awesome:
I am giving away my 27-page Boss Builder Workbook for FREE because everyone needs a good foundation in which to build their business, even if you've been around for a while. Give yourself a recheck & reboost in the areas that matter most. Give yourself grace to refocus on your goals & clarify the steps you need to take to get there.
Question of the Day....
Have you fallen victim to a shiny object? Ok scratch that because we all have, me included.
What object that you purchased in the past will you now go back to with a better mentality? I'm excited to hear your experiences!
....and don't forget to grab your BYOBoss Life Planner Box Subscription or scoop up a one-time Gift Box HERE. My current fav Gift Box is the "Manifest My BOSS Life" Box.
Girl, you need this in your life xoxo... and to make it work for you, be intentional! Join my BYOBoss Life VIP FB Group for support that will stretch you & a sisterhood that will grow you.
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