Being your own boss can be both awesome and grueling within the same 2 minute span. You can also go from uber productive to getting sucked into 4 hours of The Tiger King and wondering where your life went. Have no fear fellow BOSSes, check out my 5-min quick tip to growing your productivity level!
First... a quick question.
Do you meet someone at the gym to make sure you show up & create a habit? Do you have a "diet-buddy" to help you stay accountable & on track to your goals? Do you have an ally you trust to cheer you on for success in life? THEN YOU NEED ONE IN YOUR BUSINESS TOO!
Ok sorry for yelling... I'm just super excited to share this small but simple hack to being more productive in your small or home-based business. I mean in a 9-5 someone is always watching over your shoulder to make sure you're actually working, right?
So why not do the SAME THING for the business you are growing while no one is looking? Every successful entrepreneur will tell you they have a mentor or a coach or a business partner that hold them accountable to their goals so they can reach that dream they are working towards.
Watch this quick video to learn how to find a Business Ally & help boost the productivity in your business in just 5 minutes a day!
Question of the Day:
Do you currently have a Business Ally that you check in with daily or weekly?
If you are thinking to yourself "I don't know WHO I could reach out to..." then pop over to my BYOBoss Life VIP's Group & I have a Pinned Announcement where you can share a bit about yourself & find a Business Ally of your own. Way better than any dating app letmetellya.
A BONUS productivity tip is to have a Home-Office space. Sure an entire room is AH.MAZ.ING but simply claiming a SPACE of your own does wonders for your BOSS Mindset & is truly a must-have. Check out THIS POST to see my space that is literally a corner in my dinning room, before & after pics AND a few tips along the way.
If you're looking to truly up your productivity game, check out the planner & follow up system I personally created for female entrepreneurs...
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